Mari Takenouchi, a journalist and the blogger of Save Kids Japan & World Known as a Japanese single-mother journalist covered by Reporters Without Borders in 2014 on the criminal accusation case for a tweet. My twitter account is @mariscontact (under control and rarely gets retweeted) To order a new book by Mari Takenouchi and Dr. Bandazhevsky, send me an e-mail at Twitter: @mariscontact 私の主なブログは以下です!!ご覧ください!!! See my blogs below!! ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓


Statement from a person communicable with ISIS! on Goto's Mother's Youtube video イスラム国と交信できる人物から湯川氏殺害と新要求についてもコメント欄に!



Comment from a person who can communicate with ISIS! on the video of Mother of Kenji Goto
Japanese followed by his original statement


Early morning of Jan 25 (Japan time)

Dear Japanese people, 親愛なる日本の皆様へ

 Isis has just released a video showing Kinji Goto holding a photo of  Haruna with his head was cut off. Their demands were completely changed . They demand the Japanese diplomats in Jordan   to release their sister "Sajeda Al Reshawi" from the Jordanian prison in order to release Kinji.

ISISは湯川氏の首が切断されている写真を手に持つ後藤健二氏のビデオを公開しました。彼らの要求は全く別のものに変更されました。彼らはヨルダンにいる日本の外交官に対し、Sajeda Al Reshawi女史を後藤健二氏の解放と引き換えに、ヨルダンの刑務所から解放することを求めています。

i am sure that Jordan will accept this condition immediately as a kind of doing a favour  to Japan.


it seems that they killed Haruna because he was a " military adviser to Peshmarga-Kurds Army" as they say.  Peshmerga used chemical gas against the people in Musel in Iraq yesterday  killing hundreds.    this is what Isis says 


上の人物から 1月23日夜(日本時間)にyoutubeに投稿されたメッセージ







第六に、あなたがたの首相は、最近イスラエルを訪問し、まるでエルサレムがイスラエルの首都であると宣言するかのように、エルサレムのAl Buraqの壁(宗教を象徴する場所)を訪問した。このことそのものが、イスラム国にとって真に酷い行為なのである。


Posted on the night of Jan 23 (Japan time)

To Japanese people: Here are some facts that you may don't Know.
first: Isis didn't attack Japan nor it declared war against Japan, but your government did by declaring to pay 200 million to countries fighting Isis.

secondly: your money is killing Muslims children and women in Syria and Iraq.

thirdly: This mom is weeping about her son and she says that he has a new born baby. i would like to tell her that your government's money is killing the new born babies and  sons in Iraq and Syria.

fourth:Kenji Goto went to save his friend who works as a military advisor to Pishmarga "kurds army" who kill children and women in Iraq.

fifth: Kenji Gotoy lied to Isis when they first caught him.

sixth: Your prime minister has visited israel recently and visited  Al Buraq wall in Jerusalem (symbolic religious place)  as if he declares Jerusalem to be a capital of Israel .... this is really horrible disaster in itself  With Isis.

seventh: this japanese mom is now crying and we know how she feels ... but what about millions of moms in Iraq and Syria who lost their children and even their entire families?!! 



Message from the same person to Mari Takenouchi on January 25

i hope that they will be released safely,  Personally, I don't belong to ISIS,  but i know how they think , so I will do my   utmost efforts to write  on their websites  and to convince them not to hurt these two hostages. Your country has played a major role in helping us as people living in The Middle East.. I love Japanese people Now its my duty to do whatever I can . As muslim Sunni, they usually listen to Muslim Sunnis. I really have no connection  with them , but when you write or comment anything, they usually respond quickly . they are extremely active in using internet.



A statement was released by Reporters Without Boarders fowarded to Japanese government.

RWB once covered my story in connection to children left in contaminated areas in Fukushima.

I am really grateful to RWB!


日本政府はイスラム国に拉致された人質の解放をさせよ!RSF:Japanese government urged to obtain release of journalist held by IS 英日仏(ENG / FRA)



ENG :,47532.html

FRA :,47531.html


Japanese government urged to obtain release of journalist held by IS


Reporters Without Borders calls on the Japanese government to do everything it can to obtain the release of Kenji Goto, a Japanese freelance journalist under threat of imminent execution by the Jihadi militant group Islamic State.


In a video posted online on 20 January, IS demanded 200 million dollars in ransom for the release of Goto and Haruna Yukawa, another Japanese citizen, threatening to kill them if the ransom was not paid in 72 hours.


Less than 24 hours is left before the deadline expires.


Goto left Japan on 22 October with the aim of filming IS fighters in Syria and was captured in November while trying to locate Yukawa. According to the Japanese media, he originally met Yukawa a few months before Yukawa was taken hostage in October.


We take note of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s pledge to do everything possible to obtain the release of the two hostages,” Reporters Without Borders programme director Lucie Morillon said.

「日本の安倍首相が、人質解放に向けてあらゆる手段を講じると宣言したことに注目している。」と国境なき記者団の番組ディレクターであるLucie Morillon は話す。

It is vital that the Japanese government should seek the help of all the ‘strategic’ states in the region and their diplomatic networks. Efforts must be pooled to end Islamic State’s barbaric hostage industry. Following last year’s execution of journalists, we must accept that all options should be envisaged in order to save lives.”


Goto is one of the few freelance journalists to have provided Japanese TV viewers with video footage of the various bloody conflicts under way in the Middle East.


Syria is nowadays the world’s most dangerous country for journalists. In August 2012, Mika Yamamoto, a Japanese reporter for the Japan Press agency, was killed in Aleppo while covering fighting between government forces and rebels in the eastern district of Suleiman Al-Halabi.

昨今のシリアは、ジャーナリストにとって最も危険な国となっている。2012年8月には、日本のJapan Press通信社に属していたジャーナリストの山本美香氏が、Suleiman Al-Halabiの東地域における政府軍と反政府軍の紛争を報道中に、アレッポで殺害されている。



RSF exhorte le gouvernement japonais à tout mettre en oeuvre pour libérer Kenji Goto menacé d’exécution

Deux Japonais, dont un journaliste freelance, sont retenus par l’organisation de l’Etat islamique, qui menace de les tuer à moins que le gouvernement japonais ne verse une rançon de 200 millions de dollars.
A quelques heures de l’ultimatum, Reporters sans frontières appelle les autorités japonaises à tout mettre en oeuvre pour libérer le journaliste Kenji Goto. Retenu en otage avec Haruna Yukawa depuis novembre dernier, le journaliste avait été capturé alors qu’il tentait de retrouver la trace de ce dernier. Dans une vidéo postée le 20 janvier dernier, le groupe Etat islamique réclame au gouvernement japonais une rançon de 200 millions de dollars versée sous 72 heures. Dans le cas contraire, les deux otages seront tués, affirme le groupe radical.
Kenji Goto, journaliste freelance, avait quitté le Japon le 22 octobre dernier pour se rendre en Syrie et filmer les combattants de l’EI. D’après les médias japonais, le journaliste avait rencontré Haruna Yukawa l’année dernière, quelques mois avant que ce dernier ne soit capturé, en octobre.
“Nous avons pris acte des déclarations du Premier ministre japonais Shinzo Abe, qui a affirmé tout mettre en oeuvre pour aboutir à la libération des otages. Mais il est aussi indispensable que le gouvernement s’appuie sur l’ensemble des Etats ‘stratégiques’ de la région et sur leurs réseaux diplomatiques, déclare Lucie Morillon, directrice des programmes de Reporters sans frontières. Les efforts doivent être mutualisés afin d’en finir avec l’industrie sanglante des otages mise en place par l’Etat islamique. L’exécution de journalistes en 2014 doit nous faire prendre conscience que toutes les options doivent être envisagées pour sauver des vies”.
Kenji Goto était l’un des rares reporters indépendants à apporter aux télévisions japonaises des images des conflits sanglants qui se déroulent au Moyen-Orient.
La Syrie est aujourd’hui le pays le plus dangereux pour les journalistes. Le 20 août 2012, la journaliste japonaise Mika Yamamoto, correspondante pour l’agence de presse japonaise Japan Press,avait trouvé la mort alors qu’elle couvrait les affrontements entre l’armée syrienne et les rebelles dans le quartier de Suleiman Al-Halabi à l’est d’Alep.

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